January 18


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jpegktexpedition0118011719.jpg (365383 bytes) Impact breccia at the top of Albion Island Quarry.  The ejecta is actually a pinkish off-white when freshly exposed, but weathers to this dark gray.
jpegktexpedition0118011732.jpg (143161 bytes) This is a freshly broken fragment of the breccia.  Unfortunately, the flash washed most of it out to the extent that not even the photo software could bring it into view.
jpegktexpedition0118011753.jpg (207765 bytes) Crossing over a fork of the Rio Hondo (in Belize) to and from the quarry was never dull.  The water is actually high enough that the "bridge" is rather forgiving today.  But a few days later...
jpegktexpedition0118011830.jpg (123215 bytes) While stopping for fuel after a busy day in the quarry, the group gets out for a stretch.  Here we see: Kevin, Richard, Cole, Jutta, Sergio and Lucille.


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This page was last updated on 07/22/01

To make a comment, ask questions, report problems, etc., please contact

Reuben Johnson at: rcjohnson@students.wisc.edu